Brand Discovery Bootcamp

In just six weeks, we can take your marketing from directionless to intentional.

We’ve developed a discovery bootcamp that digs deep into your brand, your customers, and your culture—dispelling indecision, and delivering an actionable path forward.

Clarity is just six weeks away.

Case Study: Jobpack

Case Study: Jobpack

Launching a new era for manufacturing’s missing link.

See what we did for Jobpack in our first year working together, including brand discovery, a new website, and ongoing content marketing.

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Your brand doesn’t represent you, sales are sluggish to close, and your messaging is uninspired.

Your brand doesn’t represent you, sales are sluggish to close, and your messaging is uninspired.

Does this sound like you?

Your company has good bones—but its potential is lost in the noise. You want a way out of the quagmire and toward a purposeful, effective strategy.

Discovery Bootcamp in a Nutshell:

  • Kickoff Meeting
  • Interviews
  • Audience Development
  • Competitive Landscape Analysis
  • SEO & PPC Review
  • Strategic Marketing Plan
  • Delivery
Kickoff Meeting

Kickoff Meeting

Our team meets your team. Part brainstorming session, part therapy, we begin our process with a 1.5-hour intensive conversation with your stakeholders. We’ll walk you through the six-week process, listen to your pain points and aspirations, and identify major signposts along our path.

Before the meeting, we’ll ask you to identify the team members you would like us to interview, and to gather existing marketing materials for us to review.


  • Establish roles and points of contact.
  • Align around goals and outcomes.
  • Share interview list and existing marketing materials.
  • Provide a list of top competitors.
  • Provide access to necessary backend tools.
Team Interviews

Team Interviews

The most involved portion of our bootcamp begins as soon as our kickoff meeting ends. Drawing from the list you provided, we will schedule interviews with team members from across your organization, from the decision makers in your C-suite, to the head of your customer support desk, to the manager of your factory floor.

As opposed to table meetings or panel interviews, where some perspectives naturally dominate the conversation and groupthink inevitably sets in, our process is based on individual interviews to ensure that every voice is heard. This process helps us gather a breadth and depth of information that would not be possible in group sessions, and gives us a sampling of the thought within your organization, allowing us to highlight points of agreement and divergence.

Prior to the first interview, we will share our question set with your lead point of contact to review. After the interviews are complete, we compile our notes into a single report that summarizes our findings.

Audience Development

Audience Development

From our experience, many businesses struggle to define their audiences or understand how to speak to each group. As a result, their messaging is often muddled—trying to speak to too many groups at once instead of focusing on each group one at a time.

Our audience research resolves this confusion. Several of our interview questions are centered around learning more about your audiences, and we use responses to these questions to develop profiles—also known as personas—which form the basis of our strategy recommendations.

Personas are a core aspect of our marketing philosophy. We want your customers to feel seen and heard—and that means understanding their needs, their pain points, and the core benefits that will resonate most strongly with their goals and aspirations. By investing time into learning about your audiences, we are able to deliver marketing materials that immediately feel more focused and impactful.

Competitive Landscape Analysis

Competitive Landscape Analysis

While we begin our bootcamp by looking inward, the landscape analysis is where we turn our focus outward. We’ll ask you to bring a list of your top competitors to our kickoff meeting, and from there we’ll conduct our own search to find a broader list of industry players within your field. Our goal is to establish both a peer group that represents where you are now, and an aspirational set that represents where you want to see yourself—the destination that your bootcamp is providing a map toward.

In our analysis, we review the websites supplied by you as well as the ones unearthed in our own discovery, and search for common trends. While we look for different trends with each client—based on their interests, their audiences, and their industry—we frequently check for factors such as common color schemes, messaging tone, variety of high-quality marketing materials, or quality of blog articles.

Our report will show these trends split by peer and aspirational groups to highlight the steps you can take to move closer to your aspirational set.

Sample CLA

Sample CLA

An inside look at the process for our competitive landscape analysis.

See a sample of our method and learn why a competitive landscape analysis is important for you!

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SEO & PPC Review

SEO & PPC Review

By this point in the process, we’ve learned enough about you, your audiences, and your competitors to dig into some of the more technical aspects of your marketing: the current state of your SEO and PPC campaigns, and what steps need to be taken to bring them in line with best practices.

Our SEO review will require access to the backend of your website and your Google Analytics. After conducting our own keyword research, we will review the architecture of your site and offer an assessment of your current strategy and how it can be improved.

For our PPC work, we bring our strategy all the way back to the basics. We want to understand what the cost of traffic to you is, and at what rate we can convert that traffic to leads in order to maximize the value of your campaign. That means establishing:

1) Specific numerical baselines:

  • What is the value of a conversion?
  • What is an acceptable cost of sale?
  • What is the conversion rate of leads to sales?

2) The larger, big picture strategy:

  • What are the goals of the campaign?
  • What are the correct tactics to achieve those goals?
  • Do you have a CRM or similar to measure the results?

Understanding these variables lets us dial in the equation we need—and show you how to beat that number in order to be in the black on a campaign.

Marketing Strategy

Marketing Strategy

With all the discovery pieces complete, our next step is to assemble them into specific, executable marketing recommendations. We’re big believers in turning esoteric, big picture concepts into straightforward next steps that you can actually get your mind around. Seeing the strategic roadmap laid out is the most satisfying—and energizing—moment for many of our clients.

Our strategic recommendations include*:

  • Content suggestions based on persona, target keywords, and customer buying stage.
  • A review of current marketing materials and a priority list for either developing new content or refreshing the old.
  • Steps for incorporating the findings of the SEO and PPC report into an ongoing campaign.
  • A content strategy for email and social media that dovetails with the above.
  • Further creative assets or marketing ideas.

* Specific recommendations vary based on what’s best for you—our client!



We round out our process by presenting our findings to your team, all of which are packaged into a series of deliverable documents for further review. These include:

  • Interview Report. We go through all the responses to our individual interviews and compile them into a report that provides a snapshot of your brand, your company culture, and your marketing mindset.
  • Audience Analysis (Personas). We break down each audience into their defining characteristics and offer guidelines on how to talk to each segment.
  • Competitive Landscape Analysis. Our lengthiest report, this presentation highlights trends among your peer group and shows how to place yourself among your aspirational class.
  • SEO & PPC Review. We go through your top keywords, discuss what steps need to be taken to improve your SEO, and break down the numbers for running an effective paid media strategy.
  • Marketing Strategy. Our recommendations for how to turn our discovery into an actionable path forward.

We will deliver the Interview Report and Audience Analysis documents by email after Week 4 of our process for your team to digest. While we offer a high-level overview of these deliverables in our Delivery meeting in Week 6, most of our time during this meeting is focused on the Competitive Landscape Analysis, the SEO & PPC Review, and the Marketing Strategy.



Not for nothing did we call it a bootcamp! Don’t worry, we’ve dialed in our process and will have it turned around in six weeks.

  • Week 1: Kickoff
  • Week 2: Interviews
  • Weeks 3-4: Audiences & Landscape Analysis
  • Weeks 4-5: SEO & PPC Review
  • Week 6: Delivery


We offer two discovery bootcamp packages. Choose which is right for you!

Competitive Analysis
SEO & PPC Review
Marketing Strategy
Discovery For smaller teams or projects with a targeted scope.
Competitive Analysis
SEO & PPC Review
Marketing Strategy
4 Weeks
Discovery For larger teams* and complex challenges.
Competitive Analysis
SEO & PPC Review
Marketing Strategy
6 Weeks
* Due to the nature of our interview process, we strongly recommend the Comprehensive package for teams of 30+, as well as for smaller companies with a diverse staff of key players.
We’ve been following our discovery process with clients for years—and it’s now a proven formula for success.

We’ve been following our discovery process with clients for years—and it’s now a proven formula for success.

If you’re ready to take the first step, schedule a 30-minute session with Eric Lynch, our Director of Business Development. He can answer any of your questions and discuss any special requirements you may have for your bootcamp.

No commitments, just brainstorming.

Schedule your session today