August 18th, 2016

How do I send a good marketing email?

send a good marketing email

What does your customer want to read?

Email marketing is a big part of most businesses content strategy these days. And we don’t expect it to go anywhere soon. But if you’re going to take up space in your customer’s inbox, you want to make sure you’re sending them something worth their while. Otherwise, you risk expending some of the good will you’ve built up in your relationship with them. In order to help you along, here are our top tips for keeping your marketing emails client-focused.

Tell them why they should care.

Why are they getting this email? Is it just to promote brand awareness for you? If that’s the case, what’s in it for them? First and foremost, make sure your marketing email offers them something of value. Maybe that’s information you think they would like to know, news about an upcoming event, or even a good, old-fashioned coupon. Whatever your reason for emailing, put it right at the top where they’ll see it right away.

Keep it short and sweet.

This is not the space for a long sales pitch. Respect your customer’s time and the trust they’ve shown by allowing you to email them in the first place. (We talked about permission, right?) Say just enough to give them the information they want. Then move on.

Make it look good.

Add some images and nice graphics, but not so much that they’ll take forever to load. You should also use a clean, legible format, and keep it mobile friendly. Most of the people who open your email will do it from their smart phone, so if your email needs to accommodate that format.

One thing at a time.

Only use one call-to-action per email, and make it nice and prominent. If you overload your email with a whole bunch of links, your readers are more likely to close it without clicking any. Give your email one focus, and save the rest for later.

Need some professional guidance?

If you do a lot of marketing for your organization, you may want to use an automated email marketing system to keep on top of your lists. Our preference is SharpSpring, which we use ourselves and recommend to our clients. If you’d like to hear more about how to make this work for your organization, we’d be happy to give you a demonstration!

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